
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are boys or girls who assist the priest at Liturgy on Sundays, Holy Days, and special occasions. Membership is open to all boys and girls in the parish who are entering the fourth grade or older. Adult parishioners are also invited to join. Please contact the parish office to schedule a time for training with Fr. John.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must be approved by the pastor. Ministers are men and women who assist the priest and deacon in distribution of the Eucharist. Many also bring the Eucharist to parishioners who are unable to attend Sunday Liturgy. Eucharistic Minister requirements are the following: Confirmed in the Catholic Faith, 16 years or older, a registered member of the parish and in good standing with the Catholic Church. Training is scheduled with Fr. John.

Ministers of the Word (Lectors)
Ministers of the Word are Catholic adults/teens who proclaim the Liturgy of the Word at Sunday Liturgy, Holy Days, and other special liturgical functions. A workbook is provided and training is scheduled with Fr. John.

Those with musical talents, vocal and/or instrumental ability are invited and welcomed to audition with the choir director.
Contact: Denise Broussard

Hospitality Ministers
Adults, young adults and teens who volunteer their services to assist in celebration of Mass on Sundays, Holy Days, and special occasions. Hospitality ministers have the opportunity to welcome individuals attending Mass and aid in the seating of the congregation, collecting the offering and tidying the church after service in preparation of the next celebration. Training is scheduled with Alan Bihm or Chris Sherman.

Media Ministry
St. Charles Parish broadcasts our 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass, Daily Masses, special liturgies and holy days on our parish FaceBook page If you are interested in learning how to stream and become part of this ministry please contact the parish office. Volunteers also help run the screens in the church that provided the readings, responses and music during our weekend and daily liturgies. This ministry is open to teens and adults who have knowledge of an iPad and MacBook. Training is provided.